Sole to Heal Reflexology With Zoe Hadaway in Halifax

As the name suggests, Indian Head Massage (IHM) has its origins in India and dates back to 600BC. Now developed in the West to be a popular complementary therapy used by many for many different reasons.

Here are some of the benefits:

* Promotes deep relaxation
* Helps headaches, insomnia, bruxism, eye strain
* Improves mood and alertness
* Encourages a feeling of well-being
* Improved muscle tension in face, shoulders, back and upper arms
* May help to improve hair loss, thinning and alopecia

A truly invigorating Head Massage which focuses on the neck, scalp, hair, back and shoulders using specialised massage techniques. This therapy can be carried out both lying down or in a seated position.

Supine Indian Head Massage. Indian Head Massage

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