Sole to Heal Reflexology With Zoe Hadaway in Halifax

Frequently Asked Questions

ReproflexologyTM, a specific type of Reflexology which can help support you through your fertility journey. ReproflexologyTM is a specific type of Reflexology using techniques and protocols which aim to improve fertility and reproductive health. It is a deeply relaxing and calming therapy which aims to restore balance and harmony.

ReproflexologyTM can be beneficial before trying to conceive to enhance your natural health and wellbeing to enable conception to take place.
It is also helpful if you’re experiencing fertility problems and are finding it difficult to conceive. ReproflexologyTM is beneficial and suitable for both women and men who are having fertility issues. It works on a physical level to tackle any medical conditions present and psychologically to address mental and emotional issues which could be preventing conception.

ReproflexologyTM can also be used alongside and in preparation for assisted fertility treatments such as IVF, ICSI and medicated cycles.
The therapy can also be used for women who have irregular or painful cycles, or women experiencing other hormonal imbalances and would like the balancing effect of reflexology but not necessarily aiming to conceive.
I have 17 years of experience as a reflexologist and I am devoted to helping you at any stage along your fertility journey. I personally had my own struggles with fertility issues leading to IVF, assisted by Reflexology treatments to help me conceive my beautiful daughter who is now 9 years old. Each client is treated individually and after an in depth consultation, a treatment plan is designed and specifically tailored to your needs.

Trying to conceive

ReproflexolgyTM for Pre-conception (men and women)
I recommend that if you are planning to have baby then you use the three months leading up to trying to conceive to get your body in a position of optimum health. I offer my clients lifestyle advice as well as the reflexology treatments, the reflexology itself aims to support a healthy menstrual cycle, egg production and sperm formation. The treatments are individually tailored to your body and for women this can also vary depending on the stage of your menstrual cycle.

For some couples, trying to conceive can be a stressful and anxious time. It is estimated that one in four couples now have difficulties conceiving. Of these, one in four will seek medical help with conception. This can be due to an increase in sperm quality issues and rising hormone conditions affecting women.

Did you know that stress can cause fertility problems? Stress has a huge impact on fertility, it can disrupt hormones and make trying for a baby more difficult.
Approximately one third of all fertility problems experienced are due to male fertility factors, a third from female fertility factors and the remaining third will be a combination of issues with both the man and woman.
It is therefore important for both men and women to be their best both physically and mentally when trying to conceive. Stressful lives, an inadequate diet and long working hours can all affect our ability to conceive.
ReproflexologyTM aims to help to reduce stress, relax the mind and body and balance the hormones creating the best environment for conception to take place. The protocols for reflexology for natural conception aim to ensure that your menstrual cycle is working as efficiently as possible and while you are trying to conceive. I work very closely in an integrative approach with information from blood tests, Basal Body Temperature charting and other physical indicators to assess how I can help to get bring your cycle into sync and allow it to work as efficiently as possible. As conception requires both the man and the woman, I would also suggest working with the man as well as this will help to ensure the highest quality sperm.

Female Fertility Issues

ReproflexologyTM aims to correct those hormonal imbalances which could make trying for a baby difficult. The balancing effect of reflexology can regulate a women’s menstrual cycle, and therefore make it easier to know when ovulation is about to take place.
Not conceiving as quickly as you may have hoped can be disappointing and can cause relationship problems, reflexology treatments give you the opportunity to talk about your feelings and concerns.
Some conditions which ReproflexologyTM can help with include:
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Polycystic Ovaries
Irregular Cycles
Ovarian Cysts

Male Fertility Issues

Male fertility rates continue to decline, especially in the last 25 years due to high stress levels, oestrogen from the contraceptive pill in our water, exposure to phyto-oestrogens and a poor diet all likely causes.
ReproflexologyTM may help male fertility issues such as sperm abnormalities and hormone imbalances as well as improving general health & well-being and reducing stress.
Regular reflexology treatments also support the body to stimulate healthy sperm production and along with a healthy diet & lifestyle improve the chances of conceiving naturally.
Again, as an integrative approach, I work using information from an NHS sperm analysis and if I need to I can refer you to see an Andrologist if required for a much more detailed sperm analysis and testing for DNA fragmentation.

ReproflexologyTM and Assisted Conception

ReproflexologyTM can be used prior to undertaking assisted conception in order to prepare you physically and emotionally for the journey ahead.
Its purpose during your treatment is to enhance the efficiency of the conventional medication and treatment route which you take. To boost the chance of success and help reduce any side effects of treatment.
ReproflexologyTM can be used prior to and alongside:
Medicated cycles – Clomiphene, Metformin, Tamoxifen
Natural IUI, Stimulated IUI
In vitro fertilization (IVF)
Intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How long does a treatment take?
The initial consultation and assessment of the feet will take approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. During this appointment we discuss your medical history, fertility journey so far, your diet and lifestyle and then a treatment plan can be tailored to your needs.
Subsequent appointments last 1 hour – which includes a 45 minute reflexology treatment.
Q. How many treatments will I need, and how often?
This really depends on the individual and their condition, however most female clients will initially need a weekly treatment for one complete menstrual cycle followed by a re-assessment of needs.
Treatments during assisted conception vary depending on the type of medication/procedure being used and this will be discussed during the consultation.

ReproflexologyTM. feet and embryo

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